Our Trustee Team

As well as our incredible staff and volunteers, there’s a huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes by our trustees. We’re blessed to have such a wide range of skills and abilities shared amongst the team – get to know more by reading their profiles below!


Dr James Adams

Trustee | Chair of Trustees & Founder

James doesn’t stop talking about Number 11 and has a huge heart for serving the community of Burslem. He leads the team, driving the vision and supporting the team with the foundations to ensure we provide the highest quality support possible.

James was born and raised in Stoke, and is currently working as a doctor in Manchester, whilst also running another charity. He has a Masters in Public Health and James brings together his passions for healthcare and social change through the work of Number 11. He likes to think he’s the comedian of the team (although everyone else disagrees) and he will do pretty much anything if you offer him food.

Wendy Blood


Wendy joined after being forcibly roped in by the founder! She worked as a social worker in Child Protection, working with children and their families who faced a huge variety of complex issues from mental health, disabilities, addictions, family breakdown, criminality and the care system. She also works in schools, and with women to build self esteem and confidence.

Her professional background and love for people motivates her to reach out to the hurt and broken, driving her desire to find fun and creative ways to engage people who would not usually choose to access support. Wendy obtained a BA Hons in Special Needs & Psychology, Dipsw in Social Work and Post Qualifying Award in Social Work. She just loves chatting to people and drives James crazy as she tries to keep his head on the ground!

Mr James A

James Adams


James’s role on the team is predominantly focused around supporting the new housing initiative that Number 11 have launched. As a local company owner he also aims to increase the involvement of the local business community to help support the work of Number 11, both through practical resources and finances.

He is a keen musician, playing in bands and being involved in the local church worship team. He is also rugby mad and can often be seen screaming at his TV when England play.

Jonathan H

Jonathan Hibberts


Jonathan has recently joined the trustee team in 2020 and brings expert insight into all things legal and property-related, as well as a huge heart to support those in need in his hometown of Stoke-on-Trent.

Jonathan H

Repheloe Smith


Repheloe Smith currently works as a mental health practitioner within primary care (CWP NHS trust). She is excited to offer her expertise and to be part of Number 11 team.

Her background is in psychology, education and mental health nursing. She has both experience of working with people in the community and hospital/ward setting.

Lots of Repheloe’s spare time is taken up chasing after her children who keep her busy, entertained and on her toes! 

Jonathan H

Jess Hill


Jess is the most recent member to join the trustee team and what a key player she is! She has over 20 years of HR experience and is passionate about supporting all staff members at Number 11.

Jess lives and works outside of the Stoke-on-Trent area and is a proud Mancunian! She is a mum to 2 young children and in her spare time likes to run and stay active.


Chris Chadwick


Chris brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team, providing useful insights into how to take Number 11 forwards and make sure things are running as they should do. He is the wise old head (although don’t tell him we said that) of the family, which combined with his real passion for mentoring and investing in people makes him a brilliant person to sit and have a cuppa with. 


Nicki Dyas


Nicki works for the Wildlife Trust and gives time to serve as part of the Number 11 team.  Her background is in training and education and she does lots of work with ex-offenders, often out in the countryside building walls and other activites.

Nicki has a real mixed bag of skills and she is an absolute ray of sunshine, brightening up any conversation.

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